Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cheap Competitor Of All Modern Smartphones

New bezakummulyatorny, tubeless and overall bestelefonny smartphone was created to help you "stay in touch with the real world."

This unique product is designed to "play the role of a surrogate for any smart mobile device, allowing you to always have on hand rectangle smooth, cold plastic, which does not prevent you to interact with your real environment."
Its creators have already collected more than $ 8,000 on Kickstarter (though their purpose was only 5000).
In addition to direct reminder that life is much more than a piece of plastic into which you see most of the day, NoPhone also offers an amusing game, when you put it on the table during the interview, and see whether any notice anyone it's not really free.
Ready NoPhone will have a reflective front panel, allowing a self in real time when somebody is standing or hiding at the back of you. These can be added through verbal hashtags brain sync with the vocal cords.

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