Saturday, November 29, 2014

Delights Of Family Life, Painted Black Humor

Once Susan Copich is mother of two children and actress discovered that she was fascinated by the role of the mother, she stopped calling her agent with offers new roles, the children grew up and married life is poor. And then she decided to vent their negative emotions and to show all the charm of family life, painted black humor. I think the stories on some of its photos will seem familiar to those who know about family life firsthand.

Happy Day. Susan calls herself a mother-helicopter. The concept of parent-helicopter first appeared in 1969 in the United States in the book Between Parent & Teenager, written by Dr. Haim Ginott problems between parents and their teenage children, mentioning the words of one young man, complaining about that, the mother hovers over me like a helicopter always. Since then, the period is used to pass on to a special category of parents who took care of her children and is fully focused on their lives. And this applies not only to the period of infancy and school life, but also the time when children grow up and become students.
Season of the Witch. Once Susan caught me thinking that she started to begin a midlife of crisis. As she has writes on her own website, and even I realized that I was missing from the family photos.
Time to swim. And then she decided to catch up and capture you in the photos, which humorously shows all the charm of their family life.
Baggage. Inspired by the problems of everyday life, as well as the works of famous American photo artist Cindy spent four years of her life filming scenes of family happiness.
Good. A series of these funny pictures and called "Family Happiness"
Release. Susan in these photos also showed their deep sheltered negative feelings towards the situation of mothers and wives that have accumulated in it over the years.
Time for myself. On November 5, Umbrella Arts Gallery in New York City, an exhibition of photos of Susan Copich.

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